ICSE 2025
Sat 26 April - Sun 4 May 2025 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The following is preliminary, and subject to change.

New for 2025: This track will enable early-career researchers (e.g., PhD students, junior postdocs, industry practitioners) to receive mentoring in peer review, by participating in the review of papers submitted to the second cycle of ICSE 2025 (which has deadlines in late July).

Shadow PC members will be assigned papers to review, in parallel and independently of the regular PC. The reviews of the Shadow PC will be given to the authors, so will help improve paper quality, although they will not be used for accept/reject decision-making.

For now, if you want to express your interest in this informally, please submit your contact information through this form: https://forms.gle/GFk7bPVMtQw3Me5n7

The formal nomination/application process will follow later.