ICSE 2025
Sat 26 April - Sun 4 May 2025 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Call for ICSE 2025 Shadow PC Participation

Shadow PC is a program for early-career researchers (ECRs) to gain first-hand experience in the academic peer review process as a reviewer guided by senior researchers. It provides an opportunity for ECRs who are interested in being embedded in the community. The Shadow PC will provide reviews on a subset of submissions to the research track of the conference (The authors will opt-in for their paper to be reviewed by the Shadow PC).

The Shadow PC will function much like an independent version of the regular PC of the research track. Shadow PC members will not have access to the actual review process of the research track, including reviews and names of regular PC members, or any other data such as relative rankings. They will have to abide by the same rules and restrictions applicable to regular PC members. This includes, but is not limited to, conflict of interests, double-blind reviews, and rules against discussing the papers outside of the PC context, or using in any way results from reviewed papers before such papers have been published. Delegated reviews (i.e., external reviews) are not allowed for the Shadow PC. Shadow reviews for papers that are reviewed by the Shadow PC will be sent out to authors after the end of the actual review process; shadow reviews will not affect the official decision made by the regular PC.

Who can participate in the Shadow PC?

Shadow PC is open to PhD students, post-docs, new faculty members and industry practitioners working in software engineering research who have not yet served as a program committee member of the technical research track (or the main track) of the premier SE conferences (e.g., ICSE, FSE, ASE). If more applications are received than there is room, we will select the PC member based on motivation and research experience. The Shadow PC selection process will also strive to ensure diversity.

Why join a Shadow PC?

Serving on a Shadow PC is an excellent opportunity for ECRs to be recognized and gain experience in community service, i.e., program committee practices. It is also worthwhile for a number of reasons, including:

  • Getting to know how a review process operates;
  • Being mentored by Shadow PC advisors (i.e., experienced PC members);
  • Gaining experience reviewing papers and understanding the challenges faced by reviewers reading multiple papers which may not always be in their area of expertise;
  • Getting to see both strong and weak papers at the submission stage;
  • Discovering what it takes to publish a paper at a top-tier conference;
  • Having a chance to read top-notch papers in your area of expertise before they are published;
  • Networking with other ECRs who are also serving on the Shadow PC and senior researchers (i.e., Shadow PC advisors)

What is required of Shadow PC members?

Shadow PC members must commit themselves to participate in the review process, including attending an online meeting for training and writing their own detailed and rigorous reviews for papers assigned to them by the allotted deadline. Each Shadow PC member will be expected to review 2-3 papers and lead a discussion for one additional paper as a meta-reviewer.

This timely review commitment is essential to the good functioning of the Shadow PC. Candidates who might be unable to fulfil their reviewing duties should refrain from applying.

Shadow PC members must follow the ethical standards of peer review, respect the anonymity of the review process and not share which papers they have reviewed or solicit sub-reviews. Shadow PC members who do not adhere to the ethical standards of peer review will be excluded from the process. The Shadow PC will follow roughly the same timeline as the technical track (but will not be involved in the “Revision” phase).

How to apply?

If you are interested in participating, please complete the online application form https://forms.gle/VdERAMuzn9icePSd9 by 2 July 2024, AoE. In case you cannot access the form, email the Shadow PC chairs with the following subject: “ICSE 2025 Shadow PC Application” (with quotes). We will then email you a form to fill out which you can send to us by email.


Shadow PC Self-Nomination Close : 2 July 2024 AoE

Announcement of Shadow PC members : 23 July 2024 AoE

Shadow PC Training : 5 - 9 August 2024

Paper Bidding : 19 - 23 August 2024 AoE

Review Submissions : 3 October 2024 AoE

Online Discussion : 14 - 25 October 2024 AoE

Feedback on reviews by Advisory board : 14 - 25 October 2024 AoE

Release Reviews to the Authors : 8 November 2024 AoE

*AoE: Anywhere on Earth