At ICSE 2025 we are excited to present the following two panels as part of the main conference program. These will be held 2-3:30 on Thursday and Friday Please note that details on this page are subject to minor change as the conference program is developed in more detail.
Thursday May 1, 2-3:30 Canada Hall 1: Panel 1 (plenary): 50 Years of ICSE: From the Mythical Month to Beyond AI
The first ICSE was held in Washington DC in September 1975. That year also saw The Mythical Man Month, Fred Brooks’s collection of essays on software development. It was the dawn of the Software Age. Fifty years later, software affects everyone’s lives. Software systems are now ubiquitous: they enable communication, commerce, decision making, education, healthcare, financial transactions, gaming, defence, and transportation.
How has our work changed over fifty years? Today’s software researchers and practitioners are called on to deliver more useful and resilient systems. We are coding in new programming paradigms, communicating dynamically, and organizing our work with new software development management practices. We also build on faster and more capable hardware platforms. Join us for a 50th anniversary ICSE panel to learn and discuss how software is (or is not) extracting itself from what Brooks described as a “tarpit” to move beyond AI!
Panel organizer and moderator:
- Steven Fraser, Innoxec (USA/Canada)
- Tom DeMarco, The Atlantic Systems Guild (USA)
- Maria Klawe, Math for America (USA)
- Bertrand Meyer, Constructor Institute of Technology (Switzerland)
- Landon Noll, Cryptologist and Security Architect (USA)
- Dave Parnas, Middle Road Software (Canada)
Friday May 2, 2-3:30, Canada Hall 1: Panel 2: Escaped from the Lab! Does ICSE Research Make a Difference?
For 50 years ICSE has brought together researchers and practitioners in software engineering to share innovative research ideas. This panel will debate how ICSE research has influenced software education, practices, and products – and look forward to the future. Join us for a celebratory panel as ICSE marks its 50th anniversary.
Panel organizer and moderator:
- Steven Fraser, Innoxec (USA/Canada)
- Robert Biddle, Carleton University (Canada)
- Margaret Burnett, Oregon State University (USA)
- Tim Lister, The Atlantic Systems Guild (USA)
- Doug Schmidt, Cornelius Vanderbilt University (USA)
- Mary Shaw, Carnegie Mellon University (USA)
- Laurie Williams, North Caolina State University (USA)