ICSE 2025
Sat 26 April - Sun 4 May 2025 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The following information is tentative and will be finalized shortly

The Symposium on Software Engineering in the Global South (SEiGS) is a forum for researchers, educators, innovators, and leading professionals to discuss the current state and future of software engineering in low-resource countries. SEiGS 2025 is organized to increase the participation of researchers from the Global South in the international Software Engineering community.

Submit via https://icse2025seigs.hotcrp.com/

The event provides a platform for exchanging ideas on:

  • Academic research in Software Engineering being undertaken in low-resource settings (any topic fitting the ICSE list of topics)
  • The role of software engineering in the socio-economic development in the Global South, as well as future directions for software engineering research and education
  • Creating networks with the global Software Engineering community and sharing exciting results with the community.

We are particularly looking for papers covering:

  • Challenges faced by SE practitioners and companies that are specific to countries where resources are particularly limited
  • Challenges undertaking research in academia, such as challenges recruiting and funding students or postdocs, attracting and keeping professors, and so on
  • Software engineering education programs in operation in the Global South, and their special characteristics
  • Specific types of software and SE approaches used in industry in the Global South (that may have interesting local characteristics that are in some way different from what might be seen in other geographies)

Sponsorship for Attending

For a limited number of papers, sponsorship for traveling to and registration for ICSE will be available.

Submission Guidelines and Evaluation

We welcome papers from researchers, professionals, and innovators discussing the above topics, up to a limit of 6 pages.

All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference.

Papers will be evaluated based on quality of evidence and analysis, relevance to the Global South and the global Software Engineering community, clarity, originality, and potential to stimulate interesting discussion and practical outcomes to improve software engineering.

The page limit includes all text, figures, tables, and references. All submissions must represent unpublished original work and not be under review elsewhere.

Formatting and Submission Links

All submissions must be in English and formatted according to the ICSE 2025 Format and Submission Guidelines:

All submissions must conform to the IEEE Conference Proceedings Formatting Guidelines (title in 24pt font and full text in 10pt type, LaTeX users must use \documentclass[10pt,conference]{IEEEtran} without including the compsoc or compsocconf option).

Manuscripts must be submitted in PDF format via HotCRP

Partial List of Topics

Applications in

  • Financial Services
  • Agriculture
  • Sustainable Cities
  • Healthcare
  • Education
  • Transportation
  • Environment and Climate Change
  • Energy (e.g., smart grids)
  • Conflict and Crisis Management

Community and Outreach

  • Building Research Networks
  • Software Innovations and Startups
  • Growing the IT-Industry
  • Setting up IT-Outsourcing
  • National Policies for Growing the IT-Industry


Accepted papers will be published in the electronic ICSE 2025 Proceedings in the IEEE Digital Library. At least one author of each of accepted paper is required to register for the symposium and attend the symposium in order to have the paper included in the proceedings. The official publication date of the symposium proceedings is the date the proceedings are made available by IEEE.


The symposium will be co-located with ICSE 2025 to be held in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. For more information about visa and travel authorization information refer to the official ICSE page

Questions? Use the ICSE Symposium on Software Engineering in the Global South (SEiGS) contact form.