ICSE 2025
Sat 26 April - Sun 4 May 2025 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The following information is tentative and will be finalized later

Becoming a new faculty member at a university or college is challenging due to the number of roles a faculty member plays and the lack of preparation for these roles. Few new faculty are prepared for the diversity of types of work they will be asked to undertake. Moreover, their doctoral training most likely has not prepared them for much beyond how to conduct research themselves and, perhaps, how to teach topics that are close to their research area. The goals of the ICSE 2025 New Faculty Symposium (NFS) are to help new Software Engineering faculty members launch a successful career and manage the challenges while feeling joy in their life as a faculty member.

The 2025 offering of ICSE’s NFS will build on the successful formula of prior symposia by connecting prospective and junior faculty with experienced faculty members. The symposium will provide plenty of time for informal interaction and will facilitate conversations with a series of short talks covering a broad range of issues faced by faculty members as well as interactive sessions.