ICSE 2025
Sat 26 April - Sun 4 May 2025 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Call for Demonstrations

The following information is tentative and will be finalized at a later date

The ICSE 2025 Demonstrations Track aims to make the software engineering community aware of new advances in our field through compelling demonstrations that help advance research and practice. The track is a highly interactive venue where researchers and practitioners can demonstrate their tools or technology and discuss them with attendees.

Tool-based demonstrations describe novel aspects of early prototypes or mature tools, including exciting new features of established tools. The tool demonstrations must communicate clearly the following information to the audience:

  • the envisioned users;
  • the software engineering challenge it proposes to address;
  • the methodology it implies for its users; and
  • the results of validation studies already conducted for mature tools, or the design of planned studies for early prototypes.

Highlighting scientific contributions through concrete artifacts is a critical supplement to the traditional ICSE research papers. A demonstration provides the opportunity to communicate how the scientific approach has been implemented or how a specific hypothesis has been assessed, including details such as implementation and usage issues, data models and representations, and APIs for tool and data access. Authors of regular research papers are thus also encouraged to submit an accompanying demonstration paper. In such cases, the authors must ensure that the tool details should not have already been discussed in the original paper and the tool paper provides more information on implementation and usage.


Each submission will be reviewed by at least three members of the Demonstrations Track program committee. The evaluation criteria include:

  • the relevance of the proposed demonstration for the ICSE audience;
  • the technical soundness of the submission;
  • the originality of its underlying ideas;
  • the quality of its presentation in the associated video;
  • the potential applications and usefulness of the tool; and
  • the degree to which it considers the relevant literature.

How to Submit

Submissions must conform to the conference submission and formatting instructions TO BE DETERMINED. In particular, submissions of demonstration papers must meet the following criteria: A demonstration submission may not exceed four pages, including text, references and figures.

Each submission must be accompanied by a short video (between three and five minutes long) illustrating the demonstration.

  • The submission must contain a link to the publicly available tool and its usage instructions. Optionally, if the tool is open-source, the submission should link to the corresponding repository.
  • The video should be made available online at the time of submission. Videos should:
    1. provide an overview of the tool capabilities and/or dataset characteristics;
    2. walk through of (some of) the tool capabilities and/or data analysis process;
    3. where appropriate, provide clarifying voice-over and/or annotation highlights; and
    4. be engaging and exciting for the viewer!
  • A submission must not have been previously published in a demonstration form. The paper submission must be in PDF.

  • The tool demonstrations track will be using the single-anonymous reviewing model (the authors do not know who the reviewers are), so please include the authors’ identities in the submission materials.
  • Upon acceptance, authors have the possibility to separately submit their supplementary material to the ICSE 2025 Artifact Evaluation track, for recognition of artifacts that are reusable, available, replicated or reproduced.

Papers must be submitted electronically through the Demonstration Track submission site TO BE DETERMINED AT HOTCRP. At the end of the abstract, make sure to append the URL at which your demo video can be found. Please note that, for consistency, we require that all videos be uploaded to YouTube and made accessible during the time of reviewing. Authors of successful submissions will have the opportunity to revise both the paper and the video (and its hosting location) by the camera-ready deadline.

For examples of previously successful short videos, please see the examples from ICSE 2018: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6g5MCGbJtUF1iW4RSPvUtbKkemrVYrkP

Authors are encouraged to distribute their demonstration in an easy-to-use form, such as an active website that provides fast response time and will remain online indefinitely, a virtual machine image, a software container (e.g., Docker), or a system configuration (e.g., Puppet, Ansible, Salt, CFEngine).

By submitting your article to an IEEE Publication, you are hereby acknowledging that you and your co-authors are subject to all IEEE Publications Policies.

Please ensure that you and your co-authors obtain an ORCID ID, so you can complete the publishing process for your accepted paper.

Important Dates (AOE Time)

Submission Deadline: 10-Oct-2024

Camera Ready: 10-Jan-2024