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This program is tentative and subject to change.

Fri 2 May 2025 14:15 - 14:30 at 203 - Real-Time SE

Systems interacting with humans, such as assistive robots or chatbots, are increasingly integrated into our society. To prevent these systems from causing social, legal, ethical, empathetic, or cultural (SLEEC) harms, normative requirements specify the permissible range of their behaviors. These requirements encompass both functional and non-functional aspects and are defined with respect to time. Typically, these requirements are specified by stakeholders from a broad range of fields, such as lawyers, ethicists, or philosophers, who may lack technical expertise. Because such stakeholders often have different goals, responsibilities, and objectives, ensuring that these requirements are well-formed is crucial. SLEEC DSL, a domain-specific language resembling natural language, has been developed to formalize these requirements as SLEEC rules. In this paper, we present LEGOS-SLEEC, a tool designed to support interdisciplinary stakeholders in specifying normative requirements as SLEEC rules, and in analyzing and debugging their well-formedness. LEGOS-SLEEC is built using four previously published components, which have been shown to be effective and usable across nine case studies. Reflecting on this experience, we have significantly improved the user interface of LEGOS-SLEEC and its diagnostic support, and demonstrate the effectiveness of these improvements with four interdisciplinary stakeholders. Showcase video URL:

This program is tentative and subject to change.

Fri 2 May

Displayed time zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada) change

14:00 - 15:30
Closing the Gap between Sensor Inputs and Driving Properties: A Scene Graph Generator for CARLA
Trey Woodlief University of Virginia, Felipe Toledo , Sebastian Elbaum University of Virginia, Matthew B Dwyer University of Virginia
LEGOS-SLEEC: Tool for Formalizing and Analyzing Normative Requirements
Kevin Kolyakov University of Toronto, Lina Marsso École Polytechnique de Montréal, Nick Feng University of Toronto, Junwei Quan University of Toronto, Marsha Chechik University of Toronto
MarMot: Metamorphic Runtime Monitoring of Autonomous Driving Systems
Journal-first Papers
Jon Ayerdi Mondragon University, Asier Iriarte Mondragon University, Pablo Valle Mondragon University, Ibai Roman Mondragon University, Miren Illarramendi Mondragon University, Aitor Arrieta Mondragon University
Automatically Generating Content for Testing Autonomous Vehicles from User Descriptions
New Ideas and Emerging Results (NIER)
Benedikt Steininger IMC FH Krems, Chrysanthi Papamichail BeamNG GmbH, David Stark BeamNG GmbH, Dejan Nickovic Austrian Institute of Technology, Alessio Gambi Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT)
BSODiag: A Global Diagnosis Framework for Batch Servers Outage in Large-scale Cloud Infrastructure Systems
SE In Practice (SEIP)
Tao Duan Xi'an Jiaotong University, Runqing Chen Alibaba, Pinghui Wang Xi'an Jiaotong University, Junzhou Zhao Xi'an Jiaotong University, Jiongzhou Liu Alibaba, Shujie Han Northwestern Polytechnical University, Yi Liu Alibaba, Fan Xu Alibaba
On Large Language Models in Mission-Critical IT Governance: Are We Ready Yet?
SE In Practice (SEIP)
Matteo Esposito University of Oulu, Francesco Palagiano Multitel di Lerede Alessandro & C. s.a.s., Valentina Lenarduzzi University of Oulu, Davide Taibi University of Oulu
DOI Pre-print