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This program is tentative and subject to change.

Fri 2 May 2025 16:00 - 16:15 at Canada Hall 1 and 2 - Blockchain

Proxy has been introduced as a design pattern to separate data and code in an application to two different types of smart contracts, namely proxy and logic contracts, respectively. Data is stored in the proxy contracts, while the code to be executed is fetched from the logic contracts. Proxy patterns facilitate the flexibility of smart contract development by enabling upgradeability, extensibility, code reuse, etc. Despite its popularity and importance, there is currently no systematic study to understand the prevalence, use scenarios, and development pitfalls of proxies. In this work, we conduct the first comprehensive study on Ethereum proxies. To collect a comprehensive dataset of proxies, we propose ProxyEx, the first framework designed to detect proxy directly from bytecode. Our evaluation shows that ProxyEx achieves over 99% accuracy.

With ProxyEx, we collect a large-scale dataset of 2,031,422 proxies from all contracts in Ethereum and conduct the first systematic empirical study. We first measure the total number of proxies and their transaction traffic, to obtain an overall understanding of the status quo of proxies on Ethereum. Then, we categorize the design pattern and use scenarios of proxies into four types: upgradeability, extensibility, code-sharing, and code-hiding. We further identify three types of common pitfalls in proxies: proxy-logic storage collision, logic-logic storage collision, and uninitialized contracts. We also design three checkers for these common pitfalls in proxies by replaying historical transactions. Our study leads to many interesting findings. For instance, we find that upgradeability is not the only reason that developers adopt the proxy pattern in developing Decentralized Applications (DApps). We also find that many proxies suffer from bugs such as storage collision and uninitialized contracts. Our study sheds light on the proxies landscape, and provides valuable insights to future smart contract research on the development, usage, quality assurance, and bug detection of proxies.

This program is tentative and subject to change.

Fri 2 May

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16:00 - 17:30
An Empirical Study of Proxy Smart Contracts at the Ethereum Ecosystem Scale
Research Track
Mengya Zhang The Ohio State University, Preksha Shukla George Mason University, Wuqi Zhang Mega Labs, Zhuo Zhang Purdue University, Pranav Agrawal George Mason University, Zhiqiang Lin The Ohio State University, Xiangyu Zhang Purdue University, Xiaokuan Zhang George Mason University
Demystifying and Detecting Cryptographic Defects in Ethereum Smart ContractsAward Winner
Research Track
Jiashuo Zhang Peking University, China, Yiming Shen Sun Yat-sen University, Jiachi Chen Sun Yat-sen University, Jianzhong Su Sun Yat-sen University, Yanlin Wang Sun Yat-sen University, Ting Chen University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Jianbo Gao Peking University, Zhong Chen
Chord: Towards a Unified Detection of Blockchain Transaction Parallelism Bugs
Research Track
Yuanhang Zhou Tsinghua University, Zhen Yan Tsinghua University, Yuanliang Chen Tsinghua University, Fuchen Ma Tsinghua University, Ting Chen University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Yu Jiang Tsinghua University
Definition and Detection of Centralization Defects in Smart Contracts
Research Track
Zewei Lin Sun Yat-sen University, Jiachi Chen Sun Yat-sen University, Jiajing Wu Sun Yat-sen University, Weizhe Zhang Harbin Institute of Technology, Zibin Zheng Sun Yat-sen University
Fork State-Aware Differential Fuzzing for Blockchain Consensus Implementations
Research Track
Won Hoi Kim KAIST, Hocheol Nam KAIST, Muoi Tran ETH Zurich, Amin Jalilov KAIST, Zhenkai Liang National University of Singapore, Sang Kil Cha KAIST, Min Suk Kang KAIST
Code Cloning in Solidity Smart Contracts: Prevalence, Evolution, and Impact on Development
Research Track
Ran Mo Central China Normal University, Haopeng Song Central China Normal University, Wei Ding Central China Normal University, Chaochao Wu Central China Normal University