ICSE 2025
Sat 26 April - Sun 4 May 2025 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Armstrong Foundjem

Registered user since Thu 21 Jan 2021

Name:Armstrong Foundjem

Dr. Foundjem is a postdoctoral fellow at Polytechnique Montreal, working on the DEEL project on Dependable and Explainable Learning. In particular, his research focuses on the certifiability of safety-critical AI systems under the supervision of Profs G. Antoniol, E. Merlo, and F. Khomh. His empirical research follows mixed-methods approaches at the intersection of sustainability of software ecosystems, intersectionality, social network analysis of SECO communities (graphical neural network –GNN), release engineering (DevOps/MLOps), natural language processing — Foundation models (FMs), human-centered design, and human-computer interaction. He defended his Ph.D. thesis ``Software Ecosystem Sustainability – A socio-technical Perspective'' at Queen’s University in June 2022, advised by Prof. Bram Adams. His work has been featured in top-tier software engineering venues such as ICSE, TSE, EMSE, and ICST.

Affiliation:École Polytechnique de Montréal
Research interests:Empirical Software engineering, Sustainability, Ecosystems dynamics, GNN, FMs, Dev/MLOps, Social aspect of SE


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