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Jacek Dąbrowski

Registered user since Tue 7 Nov 2023

Name:Jacek Dąbrowski

I am a Research Fellow at Lero, the Research Ireland Centre for Software, where I hold a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship as part of the SyMeCo program to pursue my research project: “Prompt Me: Intelligent Software Agent for Requirements Engineering.” My overall research career focuses on revolutionizing software engineering using artificial intelligence, as well as making AI-based systems more reliable and trustworthy. My research journey has been shaped by diverse international experiences over the past few years.

Before joining Lero, I completed my PhD in a joint program between University College London in the UK and Fondazione Bruno Kessler in Italy, where I explored how to exploit online user feedback to support software engineering practices. I also completed both my MSc and BSc in Electrical Engineering at Warsaw University of Technology in Poland. During my master’s program, I had the opportunity to work as a Junior Researcher at Aalto University in Finland, where I focused on human-robot interactions for my thesis.

Prior to my doctoral studies and immediately afterwards, I worked at Accenture Consulting, where I was responsible for Requirements Engineering, Software System Design, and Digital Transformation

Affiliation:Lero - the Science Foundation Ireland Research Centre for Software
Research interests:Requirement Engineering, Mining Software Repositories, Empirical Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence Engineering


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