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Jason Jaskolka

Registered user since Sat 28 Oct 2023

Name:Jason Jaskolka

Dr. Jason JASKOLKA is an Associate Professor in the Department of Systems and Computer Engineer- ing and the Director of the Cyber Security Evaluation and Assurance (CyberSEA) Research Lab at Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, Canada. He received his Ph.D. in Software Engineering in 2015 from McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada. His research interests include cyber security evaluation and assurance, threat modeling, security-by-design, and formal methods and data-driven approaches for software and security engineering. He is interested in applying his research to critical infrastructures, industrial control systems, cyber-physical and distributed systems, and the Internet of Things (IoT).

Affiliation:Carleton University
Research interests:cybser security evaluation and assurance, security engineering, software engineering, software architecture and design, formal methods, model-based engineering,


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