ICSE 2025
Sat 26 April - Sun 4 May 2025 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Ken Power

Registered user since Mon 26 Mar 2018

Name:Ken Power

Ken Power is an AI software engineer and researcher developing software systems for autonomous vehicles. He is currently Director of Engineering with Motional, an international leader in robotaxis and driverless technology that’s changing how the world moves. Ken leads the Advanced Projects team at Motional, a team of engineers and researchers working at the intersection of architecture, software engineering, machine learning, and compute platforms to make driverless vehicles a safe, reliable, and accessible reality. Ken holds a B.Eng. in Software Engineering, M.Sc. in Artificial Intelligence, and a Ph.D. in Information Systems.

Country:United States
Personal website: http://kenpower.ie/
Research interests:Machine Learning, Software Engineering, AI, Autonomous Driving


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