ICSE 2025
Sat 26 April - Sun 4 May 2025 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Liming Zhu

Registered user since Fri 10 May 2019

Name:Liming Zhu

Dr/Prof Liming Zhu is a Research Director at CSIRO’s Data61 and a conjoint full professor at the University of New South Wales (UNSW). He is the chairperson of Standards Australia’s blockchain committee and on AI trustworthiness-related committees. He is a member of the Responsible AI think tank at the National AI Center. His research program innovates in the areas of AI/ML platforms, responsible/ethical AI, software engineering, blockchain, regulation technology, quantum software, privacy and cybersecurity. He has published more than 300 academic papers on software architecture, data/ML infrastructure, blockchain, governance and responsible AI.

Affiliation:CSIRO’s Data61
Personal website: https://liming-zhu.org/
Research interests:software architecture, software engineering, distributed systems, data platforms


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