ICSE 2025
Sat 26 April - Sun 4 May 2025 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Profir-Petru Pârțachi

Registered user since Fri 24 Jan 2020

Name:Profir-Petru Pârțachi

Currently a post-doctoral researcher at the Sugiyama Lab, National Institute of Informatics with a keen interest on Machine Learning approaches to Software Engineering. My interests lie in structured approaches to modeling source code, program synthesis, understanding defect prediction, and the testing oracle problem. I received my PhD from University College London (UCL), where I worked under the supervision of Prof Earl T. Barr on improving project health by applying Machine Learning to problems from Software Engineering.

Affiliation:National Institute of Informatics, Japan
Personal website: https://partachi.com/
Research interests:ML4SE, SE4ML, Natural Language Processing


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