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Christos Anagnostopoulos

Registered user since Thu 16 Jan 2025

Name:Christos Anagnostopoulos

I am an Associate Professor (Reader) in Distributed Computing & Data Engineering Systems and Director of the MSc Information Technology and MSc Software Development Programmes, School of Computing Science. My research expertise is at the intersection of large-scale Distributed Computing, Distributed AI/ML, and Data-centric AI. I have received funding for my research by the EC/H2020, EU Horizon, UK EPSRC and the industry. I am an author of over 180 scientific journals and conferences [scholar]. I am leading the Knowledge and Data Engineering Systems Group (IDA Section). I am Editor in Chief of the Open Computer Science (De Gruyter) and Associate Editor of IEEE Access. I serve as the General Chair of the IEEE ICDCS 2025. I am currently the PI/Technical Coordinator of the EU Horizon grants TRACE, COIN-3D, ELLIE, and TERRA. I am an associate fellow of the HEA and professional member of ACM, IEEE and IEEE STC.

Before joining Glasgow, I was an Assistant Professor (Lecturer) at Ionian University and University of Athens. I have been a MSCA Fellowship Supervisor in University of Glasgow (2018-2020) and have held a Research Fellowship at University of Glasgow (2015-2018) in the area of large-scale distributed computing. I hold a BSc Hons. (Valedictorian) in Computer Science & Telecommunications, MSc (Distinction) in Advanced Computing Systems, and PhD in Computing Science, University of Athens (2008).

Affiliation:University of Glasgow
Research interests:Federated Learning, Distributed Machine Learning Distributed Intelligence


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