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Emina Torlak

Registered user since Sun 7 Feb 2016

Name:Emina Torlak

Emina Torlak is a Senior Principal Scientist at Amazon Web Services and was previously an Associate Professor at the University of Washington. Emina works on new languages and tools for program verification and synthesis. She received her Bachelors (2003), Masters (2004), and Ph.D. (2009) degrees from MIT. Emina is the creator of Rosette and Kodkod, and co-leads the development of Cedar. Rosette is a solver-aided language that powers verification and synthesis tools for all kinds of systems, from radiation therapy control to Linux JIT compilers. Kodkod is a solver for relational logic, used widely in tools for software analysis and design. Cedar is an expressive, fast, and analyzable language for authorization, applied at scale in Amazon Verified Permissions and AWS Verified Access. Emina is a recipient of the Robin Milner Young Researcher Award (2021), NSF CAREER Award (2017), Sloan Research Fellowship (2016), and the AITO Dahl-Nygaard Junior Prize (2016).

Country:United States
Affiliation:Amazon Web Services, USA
Personal website:
Research interests:solver-aided languages, verification, synthesis, lightweight formal methods


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