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Eunseok Lee

Registered user since Sun 11 Mar 2018

Name:Eunseok Lee

Eunseok Lee received his Ph.D. and M.S. degrees in Information Engineering from Tohoku University, Japan, in 1992 and 1988, respectively, and a B.S. degree in Electronic Engineering from Sungkyunkwan University, Korea, in 1985. He was an Assistant Professor in the department of Information Engineering of Tohoku University, Japan. He was a Research Scientist in the Information and Electronics Laboratory of Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Japan, from 1992 to 1994. He is currently a Professor with the Department of Computer Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University. His current research topics include automated software testing and debugging and automatic program generation and repair.

Country:South Korea
Affiliation:Sungkyunkwan University
Research interests:Software Engineering, Automated Software Testing and Debugging, Automatic Program Generation and Repair


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