Registered user since Sat 20 Aug 2022
I am currently an Associate Professor in Cyber Security at the Information Systems group, School of Business, University of Southern Queensland, Australia. Prior to this, I was a senior lecture in this school. Before that, I held a Lecturer position in Information Technology at the School of Computing and Information Technology, University of Wollongong. Preceding this, I was a post-doctoral researcher at Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, University of Technology Sydney (UTS). Having worked in the software industry prior to taking up an academic position, I have 8 x years of first-hand experience, as an analyst programmer and consultant, in implementing core back-end of software systems for different industry sectors such as publishing, government, and insurance. I hold a PhD degree in Information Systems at the Business School, University of New South Wales, Australia and received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. both in Software Engineering from Azad University Mashhad & Tehran, Iran with First Class Honors.
My research aims to help IT-based organisations in the effective analysis, design, and adoption of emerging technologies which ultimately create value as well as improve the quality of citizens’ life. Much of my work in this area focuses on designing new development methods, frameworks, and strategies to help organisations in their digital evolution endeavours. For example, my past research has addressed a number of different topics that help organisations in the analysis of requirements, design, and implementation of systems relying on ABCD technologies (i.e., modern Internet-based computing technologies of Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain smart contracts, Cloud computing, and big Data) to augment their operations.
I have secured or extensively contributed to several commercial external research funding of interdisciplinary projects including Australian Research Council (ARC) grants and visiting research fellowship grants in Finland, Sweden, and Ireland. As the lead author, my research outcomes have appeared in selective top-tier international CORE A/A* and Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) ranked venues such as European Journal of Information System (EJIS), Decision Support Systems (DSS), IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE), ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), Information Sciences, Information Systems, IEEE Transactions on Service Computing (TSC), Journal of Systems and Software (JSS), Information and Software Technology (IST), Pacific Asia Conference Information Systems (PACIS), and European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), among others.
I am an associate editor of the ACM Computing Journal (CSUR), an area editor of Australian Journal of Information Systems (AJIS), and a reviewer for a large number of journals and competitive research grant programs including the ARC program.