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Fri 2 May 2025 11:30 - 11:45 at 205 - Testing and QA 4

One major challenge of regression testing is the presence of flaky tests, i.e., tests that may pass in one run but fail in another run for the same version of code. One prominent category of flaky tests are order-dependent (OD) flaky tests, which are tests that can pass or fail depending on the test-order in which the tests are run. To help developers debug and fix OD tests, prior work has attempted to automatically find OD-relevant tests, i.e., tests that will determine whether an OD test passes or fails depending on whether the OD-relevant tests are run before or after the OD test in the test-order. Prior work finds OD-relevant tests by running tests before the OD test, without regards to the tests’ likelihood of being OD-relevant tests.

We propose RankF to rank tests in order of likelihood of being OD-relevant tests, so a developer can find the first OD-relevant test more quickly, without running tests as often. We propose two ranking approaches, each requiring different information. Our first approach, RankFL, relies on training a large-language model that analyzes test code. Our second approach, RankFO, relies on the analysis of prior test-order execution information. We evaluate our approaches on 155 OD tests from 34 modules across 24 open-source projects. We compare RankF against prior work baselines in terms of the time for finding the first OD-relevant test for an OD test. RankF on average finds the first OD-relevant test faster than the best of the baselines, providing speedups of 1.9X, 1.7X, and 2.6X for the three different types of OD-relevant tests we evaluate.

This program is tentative and subject to change.

Fri 2 May

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11:00 - 12:30
Testing and QA 4Research Track at 205
DPFuzzer: Discovering Safety Critical Vulnerabilities for Drone Path Planners
Research Track
Yue Wang , Chao Yang Xidian University, Xiaodong Zhang , Yuwanqi Deng Xidian University, Jianfeng Ma Xidian University
IRFuzzer: Specialized Fuzzing for LLVM Backend Code Generation
Research Track
Yuyang Rong University of California, Davis, Zhanghan Yu University of California, Davis, Zhenkai Weng University of California, Davis, Stephen Neuendorffer Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., Hao Chen University of California at Davis
Ranking Relevant Tests for Order-Dependent Flaky Tests
Research Track
Shanto Rahman The University of Texas at Austin, Bala Naren Chanumolu George Mason University, Suzzana Rafi George Mason University, August Shi The University of Texas at Austin, Wing Lam George Mason University
Selecting Initial Seeds for Better JVM Fuzzing
Research Track
Tianchang Gao Tianjin University, Junjie Chen Tianjin University, Dong Wang Tianjin University, Yile Guo College of Intelligence and Computing, Tianjin University, Yingquan Zhao Tianjin University, Zan Wang Tianjin University
Toward a Better Understanding of Probabilistic Delta Debugging
Research Track
Mengxiao Zhang , Zhenyang Xu University of Waterloo, Yongqiang Tian Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Xinru Cheng University of Waterloo, Chengnian Sun University of Waterloo
Tumbling Down the Rabbit Hole: How do Assisting Exploration Strategies Facilitate Grey-box Fuzzing?Award Winner
Research Track
Mingyuan Wu Southern University of Science and Technology, Jiahong Xiang Southern University of Science and Technology, Kunqiu Chen Southern University of Science and Technology, Peng Di Ant Group, Shin Hwei Tan Concordia University, Heming Cui University of Hong Kong, Yuqun Zhang Southern University of Science and Technology