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Fri 2 May 2025 15:00 - 15:15 at 211 - Design and Architecture 2

Configuration in software systems helps to ensure efficient operation and meet diverse user needs. Yet, some, if not all, configuration options have profound implications for the system’s performance. Configuration performance analysis, wherein the key is to understand (or infer) the configuration options’ relations and their impacts on performance, is crucial. Two major modalities exist that serve as the source information in the analysis: either the manual or source code. However, it remains unclear what roles they play in configuration performance analysis. Much work that relies on manuals claims their benefits of information richness and naturalness; while work that trusts the source code more prefers the structural information provided therein and criticizes the timeliness of manuals.

To fill such a gap, in this paper, we conduct an extensive empirical study over 10 systems, covering 1,694 options, 106,798 words in the manual, and 22,859,552 lines-of-code for investigating the usefulness of manual and code in two important tasks of configuration performance analysis, namely performance-sensitive options identification and the associated dependencies extraction. We reveal several new findings and insights, such as it is beneficial to fuse the manual and code modalities for both tasks; the current automated tools that rely on a single modality are far from being practically useful and generally remain incomparable to human analysis. All those pave the way for further advancing configuration performance analysis.

This program is tentative and subject to change.

Fri 2 May

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14:00 - 15:30
Design and Architecture 2Journal-first Papers / Research Track at 211
An Exploratory Study on the Engineering of Security FeaturesSecurity
Research Track
Kevin Hermann Ruhr University Bochum, Sven Peldszus Ruhr University Bochum, Jan-Philipp Steghöfer XITASO GmbH IT & Software Solutions, Thorsten Berger Ruhr University Bochum
DesignRepair: Dual-Stream Design Guideline-Aware Frontend Repair with Large Language Models
Research Track
Mingyue Yuan The university of new South Wales, Jieshan Chen CSIRO's Data61, Zhenchang Xing CSIRO's Data61, Aaron Quigley CSIRO's Data61, Yuyu Luo HKUST (GZ), Tianqi Luo HKUST (GZ), Gelareh Mohammadi The university of new South Wales, Qinghua Lu Data61, CSIRO, Liming Zhu CSIRO’s Data61
Fidelity of Cloud Emulators: The Imitation Game of Testing Cloud-based Software
Research Track
Anna Mazhar University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Saad Sher Alam University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, William Zheng University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Yinfang Chen University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Suman Nath Microsoft Research, Tianyin Xu University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Formally Verified Cloud-Scale AuthorizationAward Winner
Research Track
Aleks Chakarov Amazon Web Services, Jaco Geldenhuys Amazon Web Services, Matthew Heck Amazon Web Services, MIchael Hicks Amazon, Samuel Huang Amazon Web Services, Georges-Axel Jaloyan Amazon Web Services, Anjali Joshi Amazon, K. Rustan M. Leino Amazon, Mikael Mayer Automated Reasoning Group, Amazon Web Services, Sean McLaughlin Amazon Web Services, Akhilesh Mritunjai, Clement Pit-Claudel EPFL, Sorawee Porncharoenwase Amazon Web Services, Florian Rabe Amazon Web Services, Marianna Rapoport Amazon Web Services, Giles Reger Amazon Web Services, Cody Roux Amazon Web Services, Neha Rungta Amazon Web Services, Robin Salkeld Amazon Web Services, Matthias Schlaipfer Amazon Web Services, Daniel Schoepe Amazon, Johanna Schwartzentruber Amazon Web Services, Serdar Tasiran Amazon, n.n., Aaron Tomb Amazon, Emina Torlak Amazon Web Services, USA, Jean-Baptiste Tristan Amazon Web Services, Lucas Wagner Amazon Web Services, Michael Whalen Amazon Web Services and the University of Minnesota, Remy Willems Amazon, Tongtong Xiang Amazon Web Services, Taejoon Byun University of Minnesota, Joshua M. Cohen Princeton University, Ruijie Fang University of Texas at Austin, Junyoung Jang McGill University, Jakob Rath TU Wien, Hira Taqdees Syeda , Dominik Wagner University of Oxford, Yongwei Yuan Purdue University
The Same Only Different: On Information Modality for Configuration Performance Analysis
Research Track
Hongyuan Liang University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Yue Huang University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Tao Chen University of Birmingham
Identifying Performance Issues in Cloud Service Systems Based on Relational-Temporal Features
Journal-first Papers
Wenwei Gu The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Jinyang Liu Chinese University of Hong Kong, Zhuangbin Chen Sun Yat-sen University, Jianping Zhang The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Yuxin Su Sun Yat-sen University, Jiazhen Gu Chinese University of Hong Kong, Cong Feng Huawei Cloud Computing Technology, Zengyin Yang Computing and Networking Innovation Lab, Huawei Cloud Computing Technology Co., Ltd, Yongqiang Yang Huawei Cloud Computing Technology, Michael Lyu The Chinese University of Hong Kong