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This program is tentative and subject to change.

Fri 2 May 2025 16:15 - 16:30 at 215 - SE for AI with Quality 3

Many techniques have been recently developed for testing deep learning (DL) libraries, recently. Although these techniques have effectively improved API and code coverage and detected unknown bugs, they rely on black-box fuzzing for input generation. Concolic testing (also known as dynamic symbolic execution) can be more effective in exploring diverse execution paths, but applying it to DL libraries is extremely challenging due to their inherent complexity. In this paper, we introduce the first concolic testing technique for DL libraries. Our technique offers a lightweight approach that significantly reduces the heavy overhead associated with traditional concolic testing. While symbolic execution maintains symbolic expressions for every variable with non-concrete values to build a path condition, our technique computes approximate path conditions by inferring branch conditions via inductive program synthesis. Despite potential imprecision from approximation, our method’s light overhead allows for effective exploration of diverse execution paths within the complex implementations of DL libraries. We have implemented our tool, PathFinder, and evaluated it on PyTorch and TensorFlow. Our results show that PathFinder outperforms existing API-level DL library fuzzers by achieving 57% more branch coverage on average; up to 58% higher than TitanFuzz and 125% higher than FreeFuzz. PathFinder is also effective in bug detection, uncovering 61 crash bugs, 59 of which were confirmed by developers as previously unknown, with 32 already fixed.

This program is tentative and subject to change.

Fri 2 May

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16:00 - 17:30
SE for AI with Quality 3Research Track / SE In Practice (SEIP) at 215
Improved Detection and Diagnosis of Faults in Deep Neural Networks Using Hierarchical and Explainable ClassificationSE for AI
Research Track
Sigma Jahan Dalhousie University, Mehil Shah Dalhousie University, Parvez Mahbub Dalhousie University, Masud Rahman Dalhousie University
Lightweight Concolic Testing via Path-Condition Synthesis for Deep Learning LibrariesSE for AI
Research Track
Mock Deep Testing: Toward Separate Development of Data and Models for Deep LearningSE for AI
Research Track
Ruchira Manke Tulane University, USA, Mohammad Wardat Oakland University, USA, Foutse Khomh Polytechnique Montréal, Hridesh Rajan Tulane University
RUG: Turbo LLM for Rust Unit Test GenerationSE for AI
Research Track
Xiang Cheng Georgia Institute of Technology, Fan Sang Georgia Institute of Technology, Yizhuo Zhai Georgia Institute of Technology, Xiaokuan Zhang George Mason University, Taesoo Kim Georgia Institute of Technology
Test Input Validation for Vision-based DL Systems: An Active Learning ApproachSE for AI
SE In Practice (SEIP)
Delaram Ghobari University of Ottawa, Mohammad Hossein Amini University of Ottawa, Dai Quoc Tran SmartInsideAI Company Ltd. and Sungkyunkwan University, Seunghee Park SmartInsideAI Company Ltd. and Sungkyunkwan University, Shiva Nejati University of Ottawa, Mehrdad Sabetzadeh University of Ottawa