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Ilham Qasse

Registered user since Wed 20 Jul 2022

Name:Ilham Qasse

Ilham Ahmed Qasse received her bachelor’s (B.Sc.) and master’s (M.Sc.) degrees (with honors) from the University of Sharjah in the United Arab Emirates, in computer engineering and computer science, respectively. Currently, she is a Ph.D. student in computer science at Reykjavik University, with extensive experience in smart contract upgradability and security. Her Ph.D. thesis, titled “Empirical Studies on Smart Contract Upgradeability,” focuses on identifying and analyzing smart contract upgradeability patterns, limitations, and impacts by empirically studying real-world deployed smart contracts. This work aims to help developers create smart contracts that consider upgradeability and maintainability while applying best practices.

Ilham has worked on various projects related to blockchain technology, particularly in smart contracts and software engineering. She has investigated blockchain performance and quality analysis, as well as blockchain applications in smart cities integrated with artificial intelligence. Additionally, she has contributed to the iContract project, which aims to facilitate smart contract development for non-technical users and domain experts.

Affiliation:Reykjavik University
Research interests:Blockchain, Smart Contact, Software Engineering, Security


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